Avalon University School
of Medicine is located on the beautiful island of Curacao.
Avalon University School of Medicine |
We are very pleased to let you know that Avalon Universityschool of Medicine, Curacao is conducting a research project in
collaboration with one of the professors from Psychology department of Universityof Alberta, Canada. It is about
Modern life style of North American and Antillean students. It is very
important to study the rate of obesity among populations because of the various
effects obesity has on health. There are many diseases associated with obesity
such as cardiovascular diseases, strokes, high blood pressure, diabetes,
cancer, osteoarthritis, sleeping problems (e.g. sleep apnea), etc. It is
imperative to observe the student population in terms of obesity in order to
provide adequate preventative measures for the diseases mentioned above. The knowledge
of population differences in dietary lifestyles in relation to obesity would
greatly contribute to current public health improvement initiatives as well as
for future studies. The two major measures of obesity are body mass index (BMI)
and waist circumference (WC) and these factors will serve as the two predictor
variables that will be recorded in this observational study.